

It is through the care that infants gain their view of the world. They need to feel loved, they need to feel cared for and they need to feel secure. We believe in primary caregiving. This means your little one will have a dedicated main caregiver to build a secure relationship with.

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Our toddlers deserve the best we can offer. They need unhurried interactions with present teachers. We foster their active and curious exploration in a safe and emotional secure environment.



The time to play is now! We focus on establishing secure relationships between your child and others as well as the environment. Regular excursions are a part of our program. Your child will make connections with our community and the world around us. The natural outdoor is a big part of their environment.

It is in playing and only in playing that the individual child or adult is able to be creative and use the whole personality, and it is only in being creative that the individual discovers the self
— D.W. Winnicott